Time Management For Better Balance In Life

Achieving balance in your work and life can be done, as long as you make the effort to design the life you have in mind. You will want to think about several things, including what exactly it is that you want, where you are now in relation to where you would like to go, and what people and resources you will need to make it all happen. Let's explore these concepts further.

The curse that work life balance creates is that it just gives you more of the same. You are still juggling. It doesn't actually remove the problem totally. It doesn't lead to you living your ideal life on your own terms.

Let's face it. No matter how good you happen to be at multitasking, you are no Superman or Superwoman. If you find yourself overwhelmed with little tasks, take another look at what you have to do and ask yourself if there's someone else who can help you tackle your errands.

Don't be a lone ranger. Ask for support, whether from family, friends, colleagues, your community or your website boss. Tell them you are off-balance and want to improve the situation. Honesty is nearly always appreciated.

It's no secret that balancing your work and personal life can be tricky. Being productive and having time for the rest of your personal goals and activities can be possible, as long as you know how to prioritize and organize.

Me: "No way in heck am I going to paint another wall or get friendly with a 10-foot pole to reach those crevices." Especially since this is the third house I've had to paint within 2 years.

Clients say things like: I'm afraid to have kids, afraid of what it means for my lifestyle/my career to have kids; afraid of what I will have to give up; afraid of how mistakes I make will impact my children.

There is always another project do finish at work or another emergency to attend to. Too many people don't allow themselves a proper vacation, but it's critical to your mental and physical health to take an extended break from work to recharge mind and body. Even if you can't afford to visit an exotic location for a week or two, take time off from work to do something you love. Relax. Sleep in late. Sit in the sun. Breathe. Smile. Feel human again.

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